Hand Made Cards are a Gift from the Heart

This is such a busy time of year. There is so much to do to get ready for the holidays – no matter which ones you celebrate! And while it's a happy time, many of us get bogged down in the number of things to be done. Plus, paper crafters apply extra pressure on ourselves, because we make many of our own items, such as cards.

Hand made cards are a gift from the heartDuring this especially busy time, it's so important to remember why we make these items by hand. It's not to save a couple of dollars. It's because hand made cards are a gift from the heart.

On the weekend, I found this article that I'd like to share with you. When you start to feel overwhelmed, just think about how special your hand made gifts really are.

The article, Crafters' Christmas cards are gifts from the heart, is by Michael McLoone. It was published by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. It talks about how several paper crafters feel about the holiday cards that they make and send.

I'm no different than the rest of you. I start my cards late. I make them too complicated, then need to backtrack and simplify them. And sometimes, I get so hung up on the work, I forget that these are a special gift from me.

So give yourself permission to simplify. Perhaps make fewer cards. (Gasp!) Please be sure to enjoy this special act of gift giving this holiday season! Hand made cards truly are a gift from the heart!

2 thoughts on “Hand Made Cards are a Gift from the Heart”

  1. What a great article!! And thanks so much for sharing it today. I had such a bumpy day in the craft room yesterday, trying to sort through all the ideas I have for Christmas cards and bouncing from stamp set to stamp set and getting absolutely nowhere. I needed the reminder that this is a joyous thing that I’m doing — I send a bit of my heart in the envelope that holds a handmade card and the joy is what makes the card sparkle, as much as any glitter or bling.

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