Digital Scrapbooking vs Tradtional Scrapbooking

I am often asked to compare Digital Scrapbooking vs Traditional Scrapbooking. which is better? Which is easier? How do the costs compare? And so on….

Compare digital scrapbooking to traditional scrapbookingI’ve been paper crafting for a long time – since 2001. At that time there were no digital options. I began my creative journey as a traditional paper-based scrapbooker.

I loved it. (I still do!) To me, the main point is to preserve the memories. Producing a well-designed page is awesome.

But then digital scrapbooking came along. I still preserve the memories. Producing a well-designed page is still awesome. So, what are the differences? Here are my thoughts (in no particular order):

  • Traditional elements (papers, photos, embellishments) take up more space in your home.
  • Digital elements (papers, photos, embellishments) take up more space on your computer.
  • You can maintain control  over your spending in both crafts, as long as you use everything that you buy. (I have piles of paper that I’ve never touched and probably never will now).
  • It is less expensive to try different digital designs, before you save your final versions.
  • It is costlier to redo your paper page compared to your digital page.
  • I’m a zealot about using FLAT EMBELLISHMENTS. A brad or bow on a traditional page can dig into the facing page. I never use anything but flat embellishments (i.e. hand stamped images, punched shapes and stickers) on my traditional pages. In the digital world, every elements is flat.
  • You can always find the right color in the digital world. I can be difficult in the traditional world.

So, it comes down to the way you prefer to work: digital or paper. Today, I do a little of both! Pretty much anything I want to accomplish on my paper page, I can do on my digital page.

Want to learn more about it? Subscribe to my FREE newsletter. The February issue goes out on Tuesday. There’s the cutest scrapbook page in it, with detailed instructions on how to complete it. Check it out!

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2 thoughts on “Digital Scrapbooking vs Tradtional Scrapbooking”

  1. Interesting! Between my paper scrapbooking and card making I have way too many papers and supplies. Wish I could pare it down some, however…..

    1. Ha ha! Me, too, Sharon! By the way, digital scrapbooking is a great alternative while you’re traveling. Just saying…

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