Why you need to subscribe to my newsletter

Boy, it’s been a long time since I posted here.

All kinds of issues got in the way… technical, personal, mojo. But I’ve been working on fixing up ALL my social sites. Changes are coming very soon.

The first is with my newsletter. I’m reviewing how that’s working and making some changes. However, there are some good reasons to be sure that you’re a subscriber.

Hello Ladybug - you can bug me any time!

Top 3 Reasons to Subscribe to my Newsletter

  1. Did you realize that the projects I present in my newsletter are unique? I share them only with my newsletter subscribers – no one else. Not on my blog, not on Instagram, not on Facebook. So, given that I share 2-4 projects each month, that’s a whole lot of information that you’re missing!
  2. Did you realize that I include detailed instructions on my projects and the techniques used? That means you can apply the instructions to your own projects. It’s one thing to see a project that you like. It’s another thing to be able to duplicate that project on your own!
  3. Did you realize that I provide tips, tricks and advice? These are on stamping, card making, purchasing, and basically using information from Stampin’ Up! Not only is this information useful, but it saves you time. You don’t need to “search the web” as much, because I provide information to you.

All of these points add up to something even more important…

They help make you a better stamper and crafter. And isn’t that what it’s all about? Trying to make our cards a little better every day?

Who should Subscribe to My Newsletter?

My newsletter is geared to all stampers and paper crafters. Okay, everyone says that. But it’s true.

If you’re new to stamping and card making, then almost all the information is new to you. That’s almost by definition. But understand that all instructions are given is simple, repeatable steps. Even when I talk about complex techniques!

If you’re experienced, then you’ll still pick some tips that you never knew or may have forgotten. That’s always a good thing.

For everyone, I’ll keep you up to date on the latest Stampin’ Up! promotions. Saving money or getting the latest tools is always a winner!

But remember. The newsletter is for YOU. Always feel free to contact me with questions and comments.

So, What’s the Next Step?

Go to the box at the top right corner of this screen and sign up. As a bonus, I’ll send you a card project using the Lovely You stamp set, a really beautiful one. You’ll love the project. And the project is FREE! It gives you an idea of the kinds of projects I share.

Plus, I’ll be sharing some other free gifts with you, just for signing up.

For those of you already on my newsletter list, I’ll be sharing those gifts with you this week. So, don’t bother to sign up again. 😉

So give it a go? What do you have to lose? Sign up today!
