Special Class on its Way

I love to make cards. It's my favorite project. But, sometimes, I like to change it up a little. Don't you?

And winter is such a long season. While it's good to get outdoors and get that blood circulating, I really enjoy being inside, where it's cozy. Do you feel like that?

Well, next month, I'm offering a special class. All Stampin' Up! products, but not cards. Something "3-D". Something really fun to do on a cold winter day. Registration will be limited – both in the number of attendees and the length of time it will be open. But, it will be offered at a highly discounted price!

The catch? I'll hold the class only if my minimum attendance is met. So, if you're interested, you'll have to tell your friends. Otherwise, the class is off.

Sound interesting? Stay tuned for details over the next couple of weeks!

Until next time,