Free Shipping for Leap Year Day!

February 29 happens only once ever 4 years or so. So, let’s enjoy the special day. an order at my online store today – until 11:50 pm Central Time – and the shipping is FREE. No minimum or maximum purchase necessary.

Here’s how it works: Once your order ships, I’ll notify you and refund your shipping charges. Pretty simple.

In addition to the free shipping, you’ll find Weekly Deals and the Clearance Rack. Don’t forget about Sale-A-Bration – Earn a free Sale-A-Bration product for every $50 purchased (before shipping and tax). Then, of course, there’s my Shopper Loyalty Points where you can earn even more free products when you shop at my online store.

Not much notice for this special offer? Those people who subscribe to my newsletter heard about this at the end of last week. That gave them plenty of time to plan their purchases. To receive advance notice of my promotions and offers, and to see exclusive projects, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter. Complete the box at the top of the right column to subscribe.

And then head over to my online store to start shopping and saving!

Happy Leap Year Day 2016!