Do You Subscribe to My Newsletter?

Tomorrow is the first Tuesday of the month – and that means that my newsletter is going out. Are you on my mailing list?


Do you spend a lot of time online searching for card and scrapbook projects? Do you spend lots of time and money on magazines, trying to learn about the latest paper crafting techniques? Well, I have a solution for you!

Sign up for my newsletter! Subscription is free, so I know that the price won’t hold you back.

Each month, my newsletter contains projects, tips and techniques, as well as updates on some of the Stampin’ Up specials. It is all in one place. How easy is that?

Furthermore, the projects are exclusive to my newsletter subscribers. You won’t find them here on my blog or on my Facebook page. You need to subscribe to see them.

Finally, I respect your privacy and I will not share your name and email address with any other person or business. That is a promise.

But, in order to receive the newsletter, you have to sign up. Just complete the box at the top right column. Do it today and you’ll receive your first issue tomorrow.

Thanks for joining!